Saturday, August 19, 2017

Product Review: Kuchi-kuchi's Baby Bottom Balm and Calming Massage Oil

The twins were starting to learn how to remove magic tapes from their diapers that's why I started to switch into diaper pants. Unfortunately, the first brand that I have bought wasn't gentle on my twins' bums and left some rashes. I can say that these rashes were quite a lot than the usual. I was a little worried and was thinking of using my over the counter diaper rash cream, but in the end I opted to use an organic product sent to us by Kuchi-kuchi. 

Things you need to know about Kuchi-kuchi's Baby Bottom Balm:

1. One of its main ingredients is virgin coconut oil. I have personally tried and tested VCO's soothing property so I trusted that it'll do the same for my babies.

2. Other ingredients include aloe vera oil, shea butter, calendula flower oil and jojoba oil - all were proven to be good for the skin.

3. Most importantly, it is paraben free and no nasty chemicals included.

4. It is fragrance free.

5. It claimed to treat diaper rash effectively.

With these facts on my head, I used the product on my twins for the first time. The result was amazing. Overnight, diaper rash were starting to disappear. I made sure to apply it every diaper change, and voila, within 24 hours, rashes were gone. Also, because of its ingredients, I also used it on bug bites. Bug bites gone as well. With all honesty, I am recommending this product.

From babies to toddlers, I feel that my twins are not only growing but are also gaining more and more energy. But at the end of the day, they still love being cuddled before going to sleep. I still continue our skin to skin contact through massaging with the help of Kuchi-kuchi's Calming Massage Oil.

Again, it is made of pure virgin coconut oil blended with french lavender oil and chamomile oil, both known for their calming properties. It can also be used as a natural remedy for colic on babies, cradle cap and even eczema.

I use Kuchi-kuchi's Calming Massage Oil every night when I give my kids, including my girls, a back rub. They love the scent of it, and I noticed that they sleep better during the night. I can also say that a small bottle can go a long way because a back rub only requires two to three drops of this oil.

A tub of Baby Bottom Balm cost 350php while a bottle of Calming Massage Oil cost 300php. Still economical to use because only a small amount is required for every use. You can get yours here: Kuchi Kuchi on Facebook or @shopkuchikuchi on Instagram.

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